Archive for the ‘developmwnt’ Category

Last week someone had ask me for some tools and good resources for helping him with his old sharepoint projects that were not yet migrated.

I had send him back the list of resources i8 had been using and some developments where i had collaborate. So here it goes some of the best references for you to use  on your projects. Some of them are also a good choice when used in Sharepoint 2013



SPSite Lokup

Multiple providers Authenticattion

sharepoint search xslt configurations
Taxonomie deploys


development frameworks
developer dashboard

start and stop Sharepoint

Google analytics integration Sharepoint

Newsletter Generator

sharepoitn factory

Tools for kick solutions satartup


I hope this information can be so useful for you, as it had been for me in the last years

Thanks to i had found a useful step by step how to build a costume Membership and Authentication provider for Sharepoint.

This kind of customization is very useful in extranets and website with a restricted area that goes outside the AD boundries. In fact in the past days i had my self to do a concept proof of integration between Sahrepoint 2010 and outsystem for a client my and if i had this information it could be quickly to implement.

So many thanks to the Chanakya Sharing and below you have the links

Part 1,
Part 2

Part 3,
Part 4

Just a quick note:

This implementation is for Moss 2007 but is equal when you pretend to use Forms authentication.If you want to create Forms authentication with Claims then you should find another kind of resource like

Some advices:

If you are creating a forms authentication and have no schema or User’s (directory, bd what ever) source, it may be useful to use the ASP.NET Form’s authentication method you can find how in and for management of the user’s you can use the following artifact or

If you want some code that refer to the FBA Claims to explore you can get two interesting examples in