Archive for the ‘Virtual Machine’ Category

I was get my development environment for a new project that as the goal to create a totally cross platform app.

This app will work on web and will also have a Android Mobile APP and a IOS Mobile APP.

Typically i would have a MACOS to compile the Mobile APP and this can also be usefull to test web developments on
MACOS browsers.

Since i am working on different client and offices this isn’t the best approach. I believe this question is also the question
some off my colleagues Developers and Architects have, so i would like to share with you the solution i end up implementing.

First i had to choose a Virtual Machine technology, in my case i already have Virtual Box on my machine and i choose to use that.

Then i generate a Virtual Machine from my MAC development machine, to use as hard disk of my MACOS development VM.

If you don’t have how to generate the VM, you have a downloadable vm at thanks to (i don’t know if it his total legal to use this).

Once you have the disk image on your pc, create a new Virtual Machine on Virtual Box and attatch the MACOS image as the disk of the VM.

In case you intend to use Xamarin like in my case don’t forget to grant that your physicall Windows Machine and the VM are at the same network subnet.

You have also a good tutorial about the usage of the MACOS image at the follow Wikigain video


!!!Important note

For the ones who don’t want all this hard work or don’t have processing available for this i also recommend you to try a option that allow you to rent a MACOS in the cloud.